Tournament Resources

  • Created : 18th December, 2016
  • Last Updated: 6th January, 2017

In this section, we will cover the Tournament Resources section of your administrator bar of your tournament's home page including:

  • Control Sheet
  • Player Check-in
  • Print Scoresheets
  • Print Draws
  • TV Display - Upcoming Schedule
  • TV Display - Live Scores
  • Press Results & Schedule
  • Enter Unscheduled Results

Contol Sheet

To view the control sheet, select Control Sheet on your tournament's home page.

The control sheet gives you a birds-eye view of all of the matches scheduled across all the courts and venue and at which time. The control sheet can be viewed in List format by clicking the Go to List View button.  The control sheet can also be printed by clicking the Print button.

Once a match has been played and results entered, the box will display green. 

You can manually enter or edit results by clicking the Results button in the top right corner of the match box. Select the type of result from the drop-down menu, there are four types of results to choose from which are explained below.

  • Regular Result: this is a standard match result

Enter the match results. Should you enter a result that is not valid, the box will highlight red.  You can edit the matches location, time and date should you wish and optionally enter the duration of the match.  If you are using the Score Squash app, the match duration will automatically update.

  • Walkover: this is used when one player has arrived to play the match and the other player has not

Select the player who will progress, you can choose if you would like to forward on the looser or not which will often come down to the regulations for the event.  Finally, there is an option to record why the walkover option was chosen, this is simply to document the reason why.  Should you select No to Forward the loser, whoever is to play the player that will not progress, will become a bye and from that point forward, be a bye.

  • Retirement: this is used when a match actually begins and part way through the match for some reason a player needs to retire

Select the player who is to retire and whether the player should Forward on.

  • Default: this option is typically used for player misconduct

This option will allow you to record the result up to the point at which the match was stopped. Select the person who defaulted and whether the should be forwarded on.

To leave a comment against a match, click Comment in bottom left corner of the match box, enter the comment and click the tick box.

The match code highlighted below, refers to the code that would be put into SportyHQ livescore app - Score Squash.

Player Checkin

To access the Player Checkin, select Player Checkin on your tournament's home page.

This feature allows the tournament organizer to record when a player arrives. You can choose whether a player should check in once for the entire event or each day where they play a match.  You can also include custom fields, for instance if you are handing out T-shirts at the check-in desk, this page will display the sizes each player has requested. To enable these features, click on the Configure button.

To check a player in, click the red X button next to their name to turn it green.

Print Scoresheets

To print scoresheets, click on Print Scoresheets from your tournament's home page.

You can select the Days, Draws and Start and End Times you would like printed.  Should you have an instance where a person plays multiple matches on a day, you may want to select the start and end time for the first half of the day. When the players have completed their matches and you who will be playing who in the second half of the day, repeat the process to print out a new scoresheet.  Click the Generate button to download your pdf for printing

Note: A great feature SportyHQ has included is if you have any event sponsors, they will automatically be printed out on the bottom of the scoresheets. There is room for up to four sponsors.

Print Draws

To print the draws, click on Print Draws from your tournament's home page.

You can select the draws you would like to print off. You can also hide the times on the draws which would ensure that players remain at the club all day. Click the Print These Draws button.


Note: If you have any event sponsors, they will automatically be printed out on the bottom of the draws. There is room for up to four sponsors.

TV Display - Upcoming Schedule

To access the TV Display for the Upcoming Schedule, click on TV Display - Upcoming Schedule from your tournament's home page.  The TV Display is a simple window that can be used to display the day's schedule and to view recent results.

TV Display - Livescore

For a livescore display of each court, click on TV Display - Livescore from your tournament's home page. On the next page, select the magnifier button for court you would like to view.  

Press Schedule & Results 

To view all of the upcoming matches and all the completed matches of the day, use the Press Schedule & Results option.

Enter Unscheduled Results

Should you want to enter a result that is not in your scheduled event, such as an extra match that was added to the event to give people more games, or to account for unexpected events, use the Enter Unscheduled Results option from your tournament's home page. These results will appear on the Press Results & Schedule screen but importantly will not show up on a draw. Enter the players and result of the game and click Save.