Setting Up the Tournament

  • Created : 9th December, 2016
  • Last Updated: 16th December, 2016


From your Admin page, select Club Tournaments.
On the next page, you will be able to see a list of Tournaments that have run through SportyHQ

Select Create Tournament
From here you can you can set up your tournament, including About the tournament, Dates, Deadlines, Location, Pricing Information and Other Details


About the Tournament

Tournament Set-up 1

  1. Insert Name
  2. Add additional information under About the Tournament
  3. Select the Ranked Event? option if your event runs off of the SportyHQ ranking system.
    • Note: There is an option to run off a different ranking system, for this option, please contact
  4. Add Tournament Admins: there can be as many administrators on a tournament as is needed, the only requirement is that they have a SportyHQ account. Tournament administrators will be able to edit variables of the Tournament.
  5. Set the Age Limit Cutoff Date: different tournaments have different dates on which you have to be a certain age on.  This may be on January 1st of that year or on the closing date of the tournament date.  If a cutoff date is set to the closing date of the tournament, it will look at how the player is on that date and if they are eligible.
  6. Select Sport(s) that will be played at the tournament
  7. Choose an option for Hide "Who's Registered" from the Public:  on the tournament page, you can click to see who is currently signed up the event.  If you would not like this information to be visible, select Hide it.


  • Most events will follow a basic format with a Start and End Date.
  • However, you can also use the Advanced setting if you need to add individual days.
    • For instance: A club championship which runs over many weeks but only on 1 or 2 days of each week, this allows you to put in the precise times that people need to be available. 


  • Select a when the Registration Opens: the registration can open straight away or alternatively you can select a date in the future.  This gives you the option to setting up all your tournaments for year in one go and saving a lot of time.
  • Select Registration Start date if your registration opens From a certain date...
  • Enter Registration Deadline: this is the deadline for which a person can enter the event.
  • Set Withdrawal Deadline: this is when you can automatically withdraw from an event and get a refund from SportyHQ.
    • Note: Should a person withdraw from an event, they will automatically be removed from the tournament and the draw.  Provided they have withdrawn before the Withdrawal Deadline, they will be refunded using the same method for which they paid to enter the tournament.
  • The Refund Policy will show up on the sign-up form.



  • The Primary Location will default to your club.
  • SportyHQ allows for events to run from as many Other Locations as is needed, there is no restriction.  SportyHQ can schedule across all those different venues.

Pricing Information


  • Select your Currency
  • Select "How many events can a person enter?
  • If you have an Early Bird Special, you can set the parameters here, Early Bird specials incentivize early registration.  If you do not have a special, select No
  • Set date of Early Bird Deadline
  • The number of early bird entries you will allow. If this limit is reached before the early bird deadline expires, then the early bird offering will no longer be offered. If you don’t want to set a limit on the number of early bird entries allowed, enter 0 (zero) in to this field.
  • Tax Rate is added onto the total amount, it is a just a reference for the event organizers as SportyHQ does not collect any taxes. Is is really there as an accounting filed for event organizers.

Other Details


  • If your Entry Fee Includes any additional items, you can add it in here, i.e: Dinner.
  • There a few options to choose from for Sign Up Preference:  you can use SportyHQ's  platform or if you would prefer to use another option, you can either link to an External Sign Up Page or an Email address.  You can also select None if you do not have a sign up required.
  • If you have any additional information which has not yet been captured which you would like the participants to know, you can add it in the Other Information
  • Finally, if there are sponsorship opportunities available for your event, you can include the details in the Sponsorship Packages section.  This section is not for current sponsors.

Click Submit and Tournament will be created.
After this, you will need to Set Up Online Registration for your event which is covered in the next section.